What is Freeze-Lipo ???

Freeze-lipo, as the name implies, is a fat freezing procedure.

How does it work?

It is an unique technology uses controlled cooling to freeze fat cells subsequently destroy them and eventually get them eliminated from your body.

During a freeze-lipo session, a molded cup is placed over the stomach, love handles or other fleshy accessible area, the procedure takes about an hour, no anaesthesia is needed. 

It freezes fat, however leaving the overlying skin intact, you need not worry about frosbite because freeze lipo safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the unwanted fat cell.

Still pinching your love handles in the mirror?

Ever hear that old expression” if something is too good to be true, it probably is “, come try freeze lipo today and see a more sculpted you.

What are you waiting for ?

For more information, kindly pm us 
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/idosclinic
Email : enquiry.idosclinic@gmail.com
Website : http://idosclinic.com/
Tel : 012-787 5992

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