Laser treatment is best method for tattoo removals

New Straits Times

Since police team launched an operation to net gang tattoos, demand for asking tattoo removal from tattoo parlours or skin and laser clinic had extremely increased. 

However, police have planted their men in tattoo parlours and skin clinics to look for gang members. Bukit Aman said that the dossier it had on every gang member was comprehensive enough to net them, with or without their tattoo.

According to Medical Director of IDO’S Clinic, Dr Lucas Chia, laser was used to permanently remove tattoos that were less than two years old. He said tattoo removals would require about 10 visits to the clinic, depending on its size and depth of the ink penetration.

“Removing tattoos is not only costly, but also painful and time consuming. Customers have discreetly sought my services to remove their tattoos, which they said are religious symbols.” Equally challenging to remove are tattoos from people of darker complexion and senior citizens.

IDO’S Clinic 第九间分行 PuchongSetiaWalk隆重开幕

IDO’S Clinic 第九间分行

IDO’S Clinic位于Puchong SetiaWalk的第九间分行正式在6/10/13,继续为更多顾客提供最高素质的皮肤、激光与微整形疗程。




IDO’S Clinic 医药总监Dr.Chia谢良聪医生提到,该诊所提供医学鉴定的治疗、顶级的激光治疗、无副作用、无需修养期及可负担价位的治疗。



开幕当天也邀请来自金銮区州议员黄思汉先生莅临新分行进行剪彩仪式及致词。当天也是YB的生日,IDO’S Clinic特别在致词环节后送上蛋糕庆生,令YB又惊又喜。

IDO’S Clinic位于PuchongSetiaWalk的第九间分行正式开幕。

剪彩仪式正式开始。黄思汉(左五)受邀为IDO'S Clinic第九间分行主持开幕剪彩。左起为ido's市场经理蔡高文、伍国民医生、林正文医生、IDO'S Clinic医药总监谢良聪医生、Apex美容集团创办人兼总裁罗富春,执行董事罗陈淑贞、医药总监罗若玮医生

